A 53 page PDF file. This is thought provoking reading that helps to pinpoint the criminal thinking process.
The Theory of Criminality is based upon the results of a survey conducted at Martin Correctional Institution in Indiantown, Florida – a maximum-security prison which houses approximately 1,500 inmates convicted of every crime imaginable. This survey took place in 2013 and was conducted by myself and several other inmates, who volunteered their help. The process required many months and considerable man-hours. This is, more than likely, the first undertaking of its kind. As the results came in, it became obvious that the information could be vital to someone trying to change their criminal lifestyle.
The survey consisted of one hundred questions designed to shed light on two very complex issues. The first being the workings of the criminal mind. The second issue was to test the validity of surveys of this nature conducted in the conventional manner. By “conventional manner” I mean a survey conducted by authority figures with convicted criminals placing their name on the survey.
First of all, very few inmates are going to fill out a survey issued by prison personnel where the identity of the inmate is written right at the top of the form and give honest answers. The reason for this is simple: inmates know that any of the divulged information could be used against them if it reveals negative or distorted thinking patterns. In short, the average inmate considers it a bad idea to answer honestly. This being the case, I created the survey to be filled out anonymously to eliminate the need for deception on the part of the inmate. From my point of view, a lot was learned. But for me, it was more conformation than revelation. I’ve studied the criminal for thirty continuous years. Since it was twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, I would imagine I can tout more experience than most. Firsthand experience, since I, too, lived within those fences.